Pictures from Brad Frick:
He was there when the "old" high school opened in 1956 and here he is touring the new high school, last week. Dave's 92 but sharp as a tack and plays golf every week.
Below: Mr. Shelby inspecting the new building. Current principal Andrew Theado in the hard hat. Former Mayor Jinny Barney on the left.
Weight room, looking down the Weight Room Blvd.
New weight room. One of the girls teams on the left. Baseball players to the right.
The new pool is amazing, and so is the lighting. The south wall is all glass and looks out on the old school (for now).
And here is the north wall.
This week I had the opportunity to tour the inside of the school with U.A. Rotary and former principals Dave Shelby and Kip Greenhill.
The pictures to the right are of "Golden Bear Blvd.," which is 200 yards long. It's the new "Center Hall." Looks a little different from our old hall. It is amazing!
This is about mid-hallway, looking south. Superintendent Paul Imhoff in the dark suit, conducting the tour.
This is looking north. Former Mayors Don Leach on the left (blue shirt, facing us); Jinny Barney (black and white stripped coat).
Here's where Old meets New. You are looking northeast. The doors to the right open directly to Brandon Rd. The old building in right center was nearest to the baseball diamond. The new school is center and left, facing south (Ridgeview). Photo shot earlier this week
I'll be taking a tour on Tuesday with Mr. Shelby, who's 92 and still sharp as a tack!
Picture right, taken last week: road to the left (east side) is Mt. Holyoke. Bottom of the frame, with black covers, are tennis courts. Then, going due south to Westmont, softball and baseball, with home plate looking directly at the Mt. Holyoke/Ridgeview corner.
Baseball's deep center field will now be at the corner of Ridgeview and Mt. Holyoke. Clear the fence in center and the ball will bounce in the intersection!
Upper right of the screen, below left of the stack, is where the front door was; the structure south and west of the stack, one story high, is our old library (Bea Ray!!).
The bump on the far south horizon is 1000 Urlin, in Grandview, former home of John and Annie Glenn.
This picture was taken on the Mt. Holyoke (east) side, facing west. Far left is Ridgeview; straight ahead is Brandon. Tennis courts were below right, baseball field mid frame, right side. That concrete piece on the edge of the right side of the frame is the walkway in front of the new school.
What's left is the center and west buildings. The old two story building that's 45 degrees to the right of the tall stack housed the science rooms on the first floor and class rooms and study hall on the 2nd floor, including the 205 study hall, where many of us were sitting when the announcement was made that Pres. Kennedy had been shot.