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Do you know what schools these pictures show? How about the kids? Please let me know if you can identify the places, and names of the children smiling out at you! Also, forward any old photos of your classmates, clubs, events or whatever might be interesting to share here. Send info or pictures to:

Several of our classmates generously donated pictures from grade school and beyond.  Here are their names: (and if I forgot someone, please let me know)

Lee Bracken - Tremont
Peter Dorpalen - Barrington
Molly McHenry Ness - clubs and choral
Fred Foreman - sports
Jerry Dill - Various booklets and newspaper articles
Jo Lynn Davidson Andrews  - Barrington

School Class Pictures

Who wrote for the Speaks Journal?
Classmate Molly McHenry Ness sent us a lot of pictures and news clippings from high school days. They are all on one large .pdf document and of various activities. The quality Is not always great, but thought their would be many of you interested is seeing them. 
To view, click HERE.
Fred Foreman sent some sports pictures to Roger Jones. The IDs are by Roger. Take a look by clicking HERE.
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